Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

The Customer Relationship Management module (CRM) is the starting place for most all transactions in your dealership management software. This module allows you to add new customers, communicate with them, link them to units on your lot, and review their history for follow-ups.

To put it simply, if it’s a process involving a customer in any form, you are going to use the CRM module. In fact, EverLogic’s CRM probably has more intersections with other modules than any other module. There is plenty of customization from unit wish lists to discounts so each customer can have their own unique story within your dealership.

EverLogic CRM Features

You can start most business processes from the customer screen in the dealership software to make each action faster and easier if the customer is with you. For example, you can start both repair orders and sales quotes. You can also cash out customers at the point of sale, run fast credit checks, send emails, and more. EverLogic’s software transfers all your customer’s information to the action you want to begin. This makes the entire process of a quote or repair order that much more efficient.

All activity with your customer is automatically logged. You can view past activity from the history tab on the customer screen. This also makes it easier to follow up with the customer with an email or phone call any sale or repair order is completed.

Additionally, you can use the vehicle locate feature, which searches your inventory based on a number of factors from your customer’s budget and the type of vehicle they want to the make and model of the vehicle. These filters can be as broad or specific as you like.

There are also customer loyalty features that can be set to provide automatic reminders to follow up with customers and prospects. You can provide automatic discounts on parts and accessories for your loyal customers as well.

Key Features Of This Module

  • Provide an effective tool for the salespeople to manage their call activity and funnel.
  • Increase visibility into your sales pipeline and enhance sales lead conversion.
  • Capture leads and tracks opportunities through several sales stages.
  • Share customer, sales and marketing information across your organization.
  • Ensure consistent and repeatable follow-up process with automated reminders.
  • Records all customer purchases and activities like phone, email, and face-to-face.